AUTHOR: Daniela Kissell
My dear sojournerers ….
I would like to invite you to consider this…
We all have heard this commandment given by Jesus as it is recorded in Bible in the Book called Mark, chapter 12. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”
In the beginning of every year I ask our Heavenly Father what would He want to highlight that year for me. Several years ago He started to draw my attention to the second part of the verse in which Jesus said that we are to love others AS we love ourselves. That “AS” got suddenly capitalized for me. It got really huge! LOL
As myself… I had not up to that moment thought of the importance of loving myself. What does it even look like? Isn’t that a selfish approach to the concept of love? I was happy in my servanthood. I felt important in my ability to help others.
But then I got invited to hit the road with a genius Holy Spirit who will always lead us to the Truth, ready to answer all our questions.
I grew up in a very sheltered protestant church culture in a communist Czechoslovakia where we lived a dutiful life of serving, everyone helping everyone type of environment where the main emphasis was put on the words..”LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR”. This emphasis lead me to a choice of carrier in the field of special education. I served at every event organized by our church, helped to build churches, houses, helped to clean, helped to move, wash, babysit, clean toilets and wash baby diapers… just to name a few. The Servant Life was my understanding of my purpose. My understanding of what it means to love God.
When life of serving lead me to emotional exhaustion Holy Spirit autocorrected the balance in that sentence and showed me where I was lacking.
Do you want to love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength?
Do you want to find peace that comes from accepting yourself and come out of hiding into the light, so you can love yourself and thus love others?
What does it take to live like a Royal and not like a serf?
Let me start with this:
As you watch the video below, write in comments if anything speaks to you.. It is a funny, some might say a rude one, but yet I found a voice of God in it.