AUTHOR: Robin Fields
To me, this scripture is the answer to a lot of unanswered questions during these times that can seem to be somewhat confusing.
Remember we have talked about what does it look like if someone says they love you?
What do you expect from them?
And then, what do you expect from God who loves you unceasingly, with a never ending love?
But what about what He expects from us when we say that we love Him?
Or when we say that we love each other?
How about those we don’t agree with?
Or How about those who have the responsibility for a whole county, city, state or nation that might be making choices we don’t like or agree with? (and that is a real struggle for me at times; we continue to hold each other accountable for our words, more than ever. Am I Blessing or Cursing with my responses?)
God is helping Roger and me during this time, to really understand what He is asking of us as Believers; as members of the Body of Christ, as part of a Royal Kingdom and Priesthood.
We are finally learning to see how to love with His Heart during times and circumstances that are so uncomfortable and inconvenient, to say the least.
What a broader view He has of His Kingdom than we do!!
What a bigger heart to love the unlovable!
Our hearts are broken right now over all of the seeming calamity over our nation.
For many that we minister to are caught up in this spiritual chaotic atmosphere.
What can we offer them to bring them peace?
Can we put aside our personal opinions, so that we can walk with each other through this season in love; understanding that many are in fear like never before or maybe they just have a different view than ours?
Can I still love them and hear them like I want them to love me and hear me?
My prayer is that I/we can really learn to live and walk as Nobility.
Much Love to you!