Search for the Hidden Things

AUTHOR: Frances Zambardino

Papa allows me & you to search for Him, to discover a treasure of truth that is hidden beneath the surface of Scripture. And in some cases is concealed within the physical, created realm.

As it says in Proverbs, it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.

We are not only kings and priests, but as God’s redeemed children we search out the truth as we read, mark, doggy ear pages, lol, and gulp the whole counsel of God… so that we mature in the faith and discover the hidden things.

For secret things belong to the Lord but the things He has revealed belong to us and to our children forever!

Almost like a hide & seek game between Father & us.

Question….What Is The Latest Thing You Found That Made You Go “Wow” or “Hmmm” Or “Get Outta Here!” (I still have those.)

The Master Gardener

AUTHOR: Frances Zambardino

That He Is!

During this time of Quarantine, I’ve begun a new journey of learning how to garden. Boy, this is work! I looked at the large yard I have and thought to myself, “Something has got to grow here.”

I began to research stuff starting at Genesis to Google. 😄

Genesis 1:11 God said ” Let The Earth Put Forth Vegetation: plants yielding seed & Fruit Trees Yielding Fruit Who Seed Is In Itself, Each According To Its Kind, Upon The Earth.”

So, I went Outside and spoke these same words over the land. I just added, “My Daddy said …”
Thru the days & Weeks that followed, I continued asking “What are we planting? How do I work this land?” etc.
Then the plants came rolling in after that! All from moms who had too many of this & that and I accepted all that was coming with open arms!

Do I know what I’m doing? Not at all. But The Master Gardener Will Teach Me.

How does this relate to The Royal Life We Are Choosing To Live?
King eats the very best so should his kids.
I’m sure there’s so much more to explore so stay tuned for more!

A Mother’s Mantle

AUTHOR: Frances Zambardino

We really can explore this topic of mantle in many levels and please feel free to snatch it for another post as this does pertain to Our Royal Life We Are Choosing To Live Out.
But today, please allow me to honor Mothers 
We tend to forget we even have one.

When You See Kings & Queens wearing a mantle, it symbolizes Royalty, Authority, Power, Covering, Magnificence and more!
Above are some pics of what a mantle looks like.
Imagine, if you will, your spiritual mantle now as I continue.
Is it a garment of Love? Is it one that you will pass down with impartations? Imparting of what ? Ask yourself.
Papa has given us moms the authority to make decisions over lives , our kids, my child. He actually trust me with this ! He trusts you! Don’t take this lightly.
Psalm 127:3 says “Behold (mom) children are a heritage from the Lord. The Fruit of YOUR womb”
Mothers are portals between Heaven & earth.

Mothers, Wear Your Mantle of Honor & Courage Like These Queens & Lion. Remove any cloaks of depression or fear of any sort And Remember ,You Really Are Part of Royalty.