Stay Thankful

AUTHOR: Roger Fields

Keep your roots deep in him, build your lives on him, and become stronger in your faith, as you were taught. And be filled with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:7 GNBDC

I learned a long time ago when spending time with the Lord, that the only way to pray is as though he had already answered my need. So I thank him for being faithful to take care of me.

I was taught as a young man to say thank you, when some one did something kind for me. To forget this rule came with a reminder to re-enforce the understanding of reflecting manners where ever you went in life.
I believe thankfulness, is the power to maturing anyone in the art of being respectful. First to parents and foremost to our Heavenly Father.

Jesus said; that there would be days like the one we are in. But to be thankful that God is for us and would not withhold good from us.
I am truly sorry for any who have loss friends and love ones during this time. But I am thankful that they are resting with Jesus in Paradise.
There is not one thing I can say to undo this. But I am thankful, that nothing can take or separate us from the love of God.

In view of all this, what can we say? If God is for us, who can be against us? Certainly not God, who did not even keep back his own Son, but offered him for us all! He gave us his Son — will he not also freely give us all things?
Who, then, will condemn them? Not Christ Jesus, who died, or rather, who was raised to life and is at the right-hand side of God, pleading with him for us! Who, then, can separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble do it, or hardship or persecution or hunger or poverty or danger or death? Romans 8:31‭-‬32,34-35 GNBDC

Don’t let your mind take you into a realm of worry. But focus on thanksgiving, knowing that he cares for you. Then with holy and loving expectations, look to your Father of heaven to move on your behalf. Words of doubt will always block your blessings from God. But let your spirit rise up and speak words of thanksgiving with knowing your prayers have been answered.

My Holistic Journey to Healing

AUTHOR: Julissa Ledesma

Today, I’d like to share a little about my holistic journey to healing.

Let’s remember that we are wonderfully created by God with three parts consisting of body, soul and spirit. Each part of our being works Inter-dependently, and there is never a disconnect between any of these parts even if we are not aware of it. This means that one aspect of our life impacts our emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. From my perspective, a Royal Life, involves understanding this mind- body-spirit connection and allowing God to bring wholeness to every area of my life.

For the past few years, I have been struggling with a few medical issues, for which I sought many conventional doctors in trying to seek help. Unfortunately, they only focused on treating each symptom and condition independently, and their solutions involved mostly pharmaceuticals. I thank God for medical doctors, but I have found that taking a holistic approach has been more beneficial for me at attacking root causes.

In my journey with conventional doctors, my symptoms progressively worsened. Shortly afterward, I realized how these physical issues started affecting my emotional and spiritual life. My energy, mood, and focus were all impacted along with my motivation and desire to seek God. After countless medical visits and little results, I started researching. I came across holistic approaches to health that would help me find the underlying causes of my medical issues.

As I kept learning more about the many factors that can affect our health, the more I realized that the college program I attended, never introduced me to topics such as the bi-directional gut-mind connection and the importance of a healthy microbiome, or the fact that food sensitivities and even bugs in our system can influence our mood.

Also, many physical issues could easily present as mental or spiritual difficulties. For instance, if you start experiencing symptoms that look like depression or anxiety such as low energy, changes in appetite, sleep, brain fog, palpitations, excessive worry, etc., this doesn’t necessarily mean you have a mental health disorder; A lack of minerals or vitamin deficiencies such as vitamin B12 and vitamin D can also manifest as depression.

In my case, I discovered that the root cause was a never diagnosed intolerance to gluten which in turn contributed to long-term nutrient mal-absorption.

finally, I would like to motivate you to intentionally work at nurturing every part of you daily. I know this process can be different for everyone. Here are some ways that are helpful:

-Spending quality time talking and listening to God
-Maintaining close loving relationships
-Managing your self-talk
-Optimizing proper nutrition
-Incorporating physical activity
-Practicing relaxation/breathing techniques to manage stress
-Engaging in Joyful activities
-Laughing often
-Learning something new everyday.


How Big is Your “AS”

AUTHOR: Daniela Kissell

My dear sojournerers ….
I would like to invite you to consider this…

We all have heard this commandment given by Jesus as it is recorded in Bible in the Book called Mark, chapter 12. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”

In the beginning of every year I ask our Heavenly Father what would He want to highlight that year for me. Several years ago He started to draw my attention to the second part of the verse in which Jesus said that we are to love others AS we love ourselves. That “AS” got suddenly capitalized for me. It got really huge! LOL

As myself… I had not up to that moment thought of the importance of loving myself. What does it even look like? Isn’t that a selfish approach to the concept of love? I was happy in my servanthood. I felt important in my ability to help others.

But then I got invited to hit the road with a genius Holy Spirit who will always lead us to the Truth, ready to answer all our questions.

I grew up in a very sheltered protestant church culture in a communist Czechoslovakia where we lived a dutiful life of serving, everyone helping everyone type of environment where the main emphasis was put on the words..”LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR”. This emphasis lead me to a choice of carrier in the field of special education. I served at every event organized by our church, helped to build churches, houses, helped to clean, helped to move, wash, babysit, clean toilets and wash baby diapers… just to name a few. The Servant Life was my understanding of my purpose. My understanding of what it means to love God.

When life of serving lead me to emotional exhaustion Holy Spirit autocorrected the balance in that sentence and showed me where I was lacking.

Do you want to love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength?
Do you want to find peace that comes from accepting yourself and come out of hiding into the light, so you can love yourself and thus love others?

What does it take to live like a Royal and not like a serf?
Let me start with this:

As you watch the video below, write in comments if anything speaks to you.. It is a funny, some might say a rude one, but yet I found a voice of God in it.

A Mother’s Mantle

AUTHOR: Frances Zambardino

We really can explore this topic of mantle in many levels and please feel free to snatch it for another post as this does pertain to Our Royal Life We Are Choosing To Live Out.
But today, please allow me to honor Mothers 
We tend to forget we even have one.

When You See Kings & Queens wearing a mantle, it symbolizes Royalty, Authority, Power, Covering, Magnificence and more!
Above are some pics of what a mantle looks like.
Imagine, if you will, your spiritual mantle now as I continue.
Is it a garment of Love? Is it one that you will pass down with impartations? Imparting of what ? Ask yourself.
Papa has given us moms the authority to make decisions over lives , our kids, my child. He actually trust me with this ! He trusts you! Don’t take this lightly.
Psalm 127:3 says “Behold (mom) children are a heritage from the Lord. The Fruit of YOUR womb”
Mothers are portals between Heaven & earth.

Mothers, Wear Your Mantle of Honor & Courage Like These Queens & Lion. Remove any cloaks of depression or fear of any sort And Remember ,You Really Are Part of Royalty.

Do You Want to Lead a Healthier Lifestyle?

AUTHOR: Evelin Acosta

Hello everybody! So excited to be part of this journey with you all. Today, I want to talk to you about what God has been doing in my life.

How many times have you said you want to lead a healthier lifestyle? I know I said it many times. Easy to say, but sometimes not so easy to do! However, by taking baby steps you can develop good food habits and incorporate daily physical activity that will help you on your way to a healthy life.

I hope this video encourages you and inspires you to make some necessary changes to live a royal life. Lastly, I wanna leave you five tips that I made when I first began this journey that might help you too:

1) Drink water instead of juice or soda
2) Replace one snack with a fruit you enjoy
3) Try to be more active
4) Take the stairs instead of the elevator
5) Get more sleep

God bless you!


AUTHOR: Robin Fields

I am honored to share my thoughts today on This Royal Life and just one of the many aspects of what it means to live a Royal Life. The picture above was given to us by a long time dear friend and it hangs in our living room as a daily reminder of what Abundance really means.

There has been a lot of talk about Fear lately. But our Loving Heavenly Father does not want us to live in fear, EVER.

The scripture says that Perfect Love casts out all Fear, meaning that Love never brings Fear.
I see this on both sides of the coin, so to speak.
On one side, there is the one who Loves Perfectly, with no intent of punishment or harm.
On the other side, is the one who is receiving this Perfect Love.
As the Passion translation states in 1 John 4, “Whoever walks constantly afraid of punishment, has not reached love’s perfection.”

“Love’s Perfection drives the fear of punishment far from our hearts.”

It may be hard for some to see God’s Hand at work during this season through which we have never lived before. But we can always be assured that He is the King of Kings and knows ALL that is going on, everywhere. That brings me so much comfort, that I cannot really entertain or embrace any kind of fear of the future, regardless of how much information I read or how many vids I watch. I continue to be awed and amazed at how He chooses to unfold His Magnificent Plan.

In this Season, I’ve been so encouraged by Jesus’s Words in Luke 12:32.
“ So don’t ever be afraid dearest friends! Your Loving Father joyously gives you His Kingdom Realm with all it’s promises!” TPT

As citizens of His Kingdom, we get to walk in Courage and Boldness, displaying His Goodness and Light.
“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of rules about food and drink, but is in the realm of the Holy Spirit, filled with righteousness, peace and joy.” Romans 14:17 TPT

Blessing you with Abundant Life and Love,